Calyn Russ-Whitt

Doctor of Audiology

Dr. Russ-Whitt has a passion for audiology and is a hearing care patient herself, making her uniquely suited to enriching her patients’ lives.

  • Earned a bachelor’s degree from University of Redlands
  • Earned a doctorate from the University of Oklahoma with outstanding distinction
  • Extensive experience includes ENT clinics and audiology private practice
  • Completed her clinical externship at a nonprofit speech and hearing center serving children and adults in Orange, CA
  • Avid Sooners football fan; enjoys hiking, kayaking, concerts, and trying new restaurants

Major Milestones

Dr. Russ-Whitt earned her bachelor’s degree in communication disorders from the University of Redlands in Redlands, CA, and her doctorate in audiology from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in Oklahoma City.

Dr. Russ-Whitt was diagnosed with progressive hearing loss at age 8, wore hearing aids throughout her youth, and received bilateral cochlear implants while in graduate school.

Dr. Russ-Whitt is excited to have been selected as a member of the 2019-2020 Leadership Shawnee class!

Shawnee Audiologist Dr Russ

Leadership Shawnee is a leadership development program designed to provide community leaders with a deeper understanding of the critical issues affecting the greater Shawnee area. The program is based on the belief that knowledge of community and accompanying areas of need are the prime motivators of leadership.